Sunday, September 23, 2012

Please Read & Comment Below v or in the ChatBox -->

So as many of you know, this blog hasn't been updated in a while. I used to have the most up to date info with tour rumors, the newest routings, lineups and posters for all upcoming tours. It seemed lately though that nobody was interested in seeing any updates on the site. All the posts in chatbox were spam. I deleted the comments and i am working on making this site more about the community. Hopefully we can have multiple people contributing and helping to update the site. Please comment or leave a reply in the chatbox letting me know what you think could or should be done to improve the site, and if you care about seeing it updated anymore.


  1. aww that sucks i checked your site all the time for awesome tours

  2. I loved how many shows you were able to post this time last year. metal is life. fuck the haters keep posting tours.
